Apparently some folks can't quite tell the difference between what is intended as art and what is intended to hold up said art.
Is this a hoax? A hoax about a hoax? In today's fast-paced world of information, ideas, and images circulating around the world at the speed of light, I suppose anything is possible. Watch and decide for yourself (and thank Libby for finding this)
This story was too good to pass up:
Paul Porter, a World War II buff from Manchester, N.H., says he has always equated his birthday, June 6, with D-Day. But this year was different. Mr. Porter, who is 6-foot-6, turned 66 yesterday — 6/6/06Since Mr. Porter didn't spontaneously combust, fall down a flight of stairs, or otherwise perish in a freak accident yesterday, I think we can all breathe a little easier :-)
A quick follow-up to our discussion of the inauspicious nature of today's date: here's how some self-described Satanists are celebrating today.