Monday, June 27, 2005

Smart Professor continued

After seeing Kaitlin's posting about the smart Professor Bonk (who is a real professor at Duke), I emailed him to get the scoop:

Professor Bonk,
Hello, my name is Kaitlin Corrigan, and I am an undergraduate student at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. I am studying history and I am currently taking a class about invented traditions and urban legends. An urban legend about you recently came to the attention of my class and I was wondering if you could confirm or deny it for us. Thank you for your time.

There was an incident in the 1960s on which this story might have been based, otherwise it is totally urban legend. If it was based on that incident, it has been grossly embellished. However, I certainly have enjoyed taking credit for it even if undeserved.Thanks for your inquiry.--J.Bonk

It sounds this urban legend may actually be based in something, but if so, his ambiguity about what that actually was only gives it room for further revision. I'm really curious as to what it may be based on, I wish her weren't so evasive, but maybe it' something confidential since it has to do with grades.


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